Christopher Long, PhD

Principal Research Scientist

View Curriculum Vitae


 Areas of Expertise

  • Design, implementation and evaluation of programs to improve access to healthy foods, including programs based in health care systems, charitable food systems and school systems

  • Food security and nutrition security

  • Policy, systems and environmental change approaches to improving nutrition and physical activity

  • Community-engaged research and evaluation

  • Evaluation of biometric, behavioral and economic impacts of programs

Food Story

In the early 2000s, Long lived with a Sicilian family in Belgium who told him almost daily that Sicilian food is the best food in the world. They also taught him that fresh food is good for your body and spirit, that most of us have strong feelings about what kinds of foods we want our own families to eat and that it is important to make sure everyone in our communities has enough to eat. Long is lucky to be able to incorporate most of their lessons into his work (although he probably doesn’t each as much Sicilian food as they think he should).


Academic History

Postdoctoral Training, Clinical Psychology Unit: Emotion, Cognition and Health, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 2003-2004

Ph.D., Personality and Social Psychology, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2003

B.S., Psychology, Harding University, 1998