Maryan Isack, MS

Research Associate

View Curriculum Vitae


 Areas of Expertise

  • Nutrition security and food access

  • Qualitative data collection

  • Federal food assistance programs

Food Story

Growing up, Isack discovered her love for health through food by taking on a major in health science during her undergraduate years. She began to see and understand the connection between dietary patterns and health outcomes. She then began to realize that poor diets are not only a result of poor food choices, but a result of health disparities, such as lack of food access, which she herself has experienced. Growing up, food insecurity was not a stranger to Isack as her family relied on SNAP for assistance in being able to feed themselves and would often struggle to make benefits last through times of financial hardship. That is why Isack believes access to healthy and nutritious food should not be a right, but a privilege.  

Through her own personal dietary journey, Isack has transitioned to a vegetarian lifestyle during college as she found power in whole foods. From then, she has transitioned into veganism and has crafted dozens of delicious plant-based recipes, which now serve as her weekly staples!  

Academic History and Achievements

M.S., Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, 2022 

B.S., with Honors, Health Science, Double Minor: Food Studies, Holistic and Integrative Health, University of Southern Maine, 2020